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Vigorexia: obsession with muscles has serious health consequences

Do you know someone who is always looking to gain more muscle? Is this really a healthy concern? We know that a body with a balance between muscle mass and fat is healthier. A body with more muscle burns more calories at rest too.

However, like everything in life, excess of anything is bad. And worse: in the case of those who want to build muscle with great sacrifices, the person can pay with their own life or serious health problems. Did you know?

In this article, we will explain what vigorexia is. In addition to opening your eyes to this problem, you will also understand how you can identify the problem in your friends and, who knows, even be able to help them.

What is vigorexia?

It is a psychological disorder characterized by the constant concern about gaining more muscle. The person, in most cases, already has a good percentage of lean mass, but believes that they are too thin or weak.

The vigorous exerciser continually increases the exercise loads. It is also common to use anabolic steroids to build the desired muscles. It is also considered a type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Vigorexia is also known as Adonis Syndrome, Reverse Anorexia Nervosa or Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder. The most susceptible population is men, aged 18 to 35.

Vigorexia X orthorexia : differences

The big difference between vigorexia and orthorexia is the goal and the means used to achieve it. Orthorexics do not want to consume anything considered impure or “harmful to their health.” They also invest long hours in physical exercise, but the goal is not to gain more muscle.

The vigorous dieter also restricts his diet. However, the villains, for him, are the foods that “harm” the building of muscle mass. Thus, he abuses proteins, whether through meat, supplements and even steroids, regardless of whether it is healthy or not.

Both problems are often confused with the pursuit of health, even by people around them. However, both bring several problems to the body and mind of those who suffer from these disorders.

Signs of vigorexia

Many times, a vigorous person seems healthy, mainly because they have defined muscles, even though they don't see themselves that way. Another factor that leads people to believe that they are people without problems is their diet. It is believed that restriction is healthier than balance, although this is nutritional terrorism and restriction generates compulsion. Even a vigorous person can believe this.

For this reason, it is important to understand the signs of vigorexia. If you identify with this condition, you should seek help. However, if you recognize someone close to you as vigorexia, you can try to help, especially if it is a child or nephew. Remember that the disorder is most common among young people between the ages of 18 and 35.

  • Comments of dissatisfaction with the body, especially about muscles

The person already has a defined body, but says they are weak or small, and that they want to grow. Even with the results, they do not see themselves as stronger and are always unhappy with their physical shape.

  • Exhaustive exercise routine

In some cases, a person may train more than once a day. There are no days off, Sundays, holidays and vacations are marked by exercises at home or at a gym at the destination, in the case of travel.

There are strength trainees with a slightly less exhausting training routine, it may be once a day, but with increasingly greater loads and long hours of exercise.

  • Very restrictive diet

They do not eat fat, and focus their diet on natural sources of protein. Protein supplements are also consumed in excess.

  • Irritability

All the actions to build more muscle and the feeling of inferiority towards the body, leave the person stressed, in addition to altering hormone production. Therefore, it is common for the vigorous person to be someone with a high degree of irritability.


The consequences of vigorexia are also signs of the problem. Some are very serious and cases have resulted in the death of vigoretics.

The most common symptoms and complications are:

  • Persistent muscle pain throughout the body
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Increased resting heart rate
  • Lower sexual performance or even erection problems
  • Renal and hepatic failure
  • Circulatory problems
  • Decreased fertility
  • Higher cost of prostate cancer


Realizing that something is wrong is the first step to reversing vigorexia. Since it is a disorder that affects several organs and the person's mental health, treatment is usually long. Relapses can also be common. In addition, a multidisciplinary team is essential.


Vigorexia encompasses a series of behaviors due to beliefs. Therefore, a psychologist is an essential professional throughout the recovery process. Psychological support will help to achieve greater stability, change the way the vigoretic person sees their own body, and review their own values ​​and motivations.

Seeking a psychologist who specializes in eating and image disorders is the best way to find effective therapy.

Physical educator

The vigorous person needs to build a healthier relationship with exercise. Therefore, the support of a physical educator will be very welcome. Look for those who are more aware of their body and know the harm that excessive physical activity can cause to the body.

Nutritionist or nutritionist

The diet of a vigorous person is quite restrictive. It is necessary to assess the state of health indicators, the dosage of important vitamins and minerals. A new relationship with food is also essential. Therefore, a nutritionist or dietitian will work not only on a new way of eating, but also on a different mindset regarding food.

Look for professionals who specialize in eating and image disorders.


The hormonal aspect of vigoretics also needs to be evaluated. The consequences of anabolic steroids and other substances need to be treated with special attention in order to rebalance the organism of those who suffer from vigorexia.

The true body standard

Remember that the ideal body type is one that allows you to live a routine with autonomy and joy without compromising your health and sanity. If you are looking for better body definition, do so consciously and with the guidance of serious professionals. If you feel that you need help because you have suffered from some disorder, be sure to seek help!

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1 comment

27 Jul 2022 Wilson

Muito obrigado, belo texto, explicativo sobre o assunto que eu não sabia, grato

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