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Orthorexia: disorder can be confused with the search for health

Orthorexia is proof that too much of anything is bad. The main goal of orthorexia is to achieve health through diet and exercise. However, by eliminating what is considered harmful, several nutrients that are essential for the body are also eliminated.

Thus, this search becomes an obsession. Worse still, an eating and behavioral disorder.

This problem can be difficult to identify, since people who eat healthily are generally seen in a positive light. It can make your head spin, right? When you look at someone who only eats “pure” and healthy foods, it may seem strange that they are sick. But, as you will see in this article, it is quite dangerous.

What is orthorexia nervosa?

Orthorexia is an eating and behavioral disorder. It consists of an excessive concern with healthy eating. The person restricts what they eat to foods considered healthy. In addition to the ingredients, those with orthorexia nervosa also worry about how meals are prepared.

In general, they lose a lot of weight and have nutritional deficiencies, this last symptom, ironically, is the opposite of what the person is looking for.

Characteristics of orthorexia

At this point in the article, you might be wondering: am I healthy or orthorex?

Or even:

Does so-and-so have orthorexia?

The signs below will help you distinguish between normal concerns about food and orthorexia. Spoiler alert: if you take care of yourself, but without worrying about it, and know that a healthy life is simple, there is a good chance that you are not an orthorexic person. If you eat well, but in a balanced way, without cutting out foods, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Below, you will understand what the warning signs of orthorexia are.

Guilt and anxiety

Every time you eat, do you feel like you could have eaten something healthier? This guilt is typical of orthorexic people. Anxiety about food is also a characteristic of anorexia.

One of the main tasks of people with this disorder is to research healthy food and become experts at reading labels. They become anxious just thinking about the composition of food and how it was prepared.

Difficulty eating outside the home

The orthorexic person refuses invitations that involve eating out frequently. When they go out, it is common to take a packed lunch of “healthy” food. They may also go out and search for foods that pass the orthorexia test or, even, just drink water, claiming that they are not hungry or any other excuse of the sort.

Exclusion of foods considered “impure” by the orthorex

People with orthorexia easily fall into the traps of nutritional terrorism. They cut out entire food groups, and increasingly so. Carbohydrates, trans fats, sugar, sodium, and other vilified items are the orthorexic's biggest targets.

But, by cutting out so many things that they consider bad, important nutrients are also lost.

Main consequences of orthorexia

The obsession with healthy and pure foods has very serious consequences for physical and mental health. In other words, the orthorex does not achieve health, but the opposite.


The person believes that all their food is medicine. However, they begin to feel fatigued, short of breath, dizzy, lightheaded, or have a rapid heartbeat. In addition, they are pale. On examination, the diagnosis is: they are anemic.

She probably doesn't understand, because she has always dedicated herself to eating very well. As we have mentioned in some parts of this text, by cutting out what seems bad, the person reduces what is essential for the proper functioning of the body.


The diet of a person with orthorexia is not very varied in terms of nutrients, contrary to what you may be imagining. Therefore, it is very common for the body to lack vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.


Osteoponia occurs when the body is unable to regenerate bones as quickly and efficiently as before. People with this condition may later develop osteoporosis. The disease is mainly caused by low calcium intake, which is found in greater quantities in milk and dairy products, foods that many people consider to be bad for their health.

If she is orthorex, the chances of her believing that lactose is a villain in the diet are much greater.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the mental health disorders characteristic of those with orthorexia. This is because they tend to always prepare food in a certain way, as well as impose very specific rules regarding food and the act of eating.

Orthorexia and vigorexia: what are the differences?

These two disorders are similar. The difference is that while orthorexic individuals seek health through the consumption of healthy foods, vigorexic individuals aim to achieve a muscular body through physical activity.

People with vigorexia generally consider themselves to be very thin, but in most cases they already have a defined body.

People with vigorexia also avoid eating fats and prefer proteins. However, the goal is to develop muscles rather than becoming healthy.


A problem with consequences for physical and mental health involves several professionals in its treatment. The nutritionist will help the person with orthorexia to have a truly balanced diet. In addition, good professionals in this area demystify the biggest myths about nutritional health.

If the person has health problems such as anemia and osteoponia, doctors from different specialties will need to step in.

Psychiatric and psychological support is also essential. After all, working on the mindset about food and understanding the reasons for the onset of anorexia are important for the person to change their behavior in a sustainable way.

Bold Snacks has always defended that a healthy life is free from worries and complications.

Eating healthy should be a pleasurable act and not something that causes anxiety. If you suspect that you are orthorex, seek help.

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