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Mindful eating: discover the benefits of conscious eating

Eating is a natural act that occurs at various times throughout our day. However, with our busy routines and lack of time, we often don't stop to actually savor our food, nor do we enjoy the time at the table.

How many times have we eaten quickly, without even noticing the aroma, colors, texture of the food or appreciating its flavor? The act of eating in itself is already a pleasant and enjoyable experience. But in these situations, our excuses are always the same: “I’m in a hurry”, “I don’t have much time to eat”, or even “I’ll take the opportunity to answer some messages”.

What many people don't know is that this behavior can gradually harm our health. In our rush to eat, our perception of hunger and satiety changes and we consume more than necessary. In addition, the digestive process, which depends on the stimulation of smell, taste and sight for enzyme production, is also impaired.

It is in this context that mindful eating emerges, a wonderful practice that helps us to have a harmonious relationship with food and to make the most of each meal.

Want to understand more about the concept of mindful eating and the benefits it provides to our health? Stay with us and learn how to eat consciously.

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is a set of techniques based on mindfulness – a Buddhist meditation practice – that allows us to pay more attention to what we eat, always with kindness and without judgment. Through this, we can be more present in the act of eating and pay attention to the sensory aspects of food, such as flavors, textures and aromas. Characteristics that we are not always able to observe during meals.

It also makes us more attentive to the signals our body gives us in the case of physical hunger (the need to nourish), psychological hunger (comfort) and satiety. This prevents overeating, as it allows each person to identify for themselves the moments when they need to eat and the necessary quantities that their body needs to feel full.

In other words, it's as if you've left the automatic eating process behind and started to enjoy the moment more. This involves savoring the food more and analyzing details that you previously didn't notice.

According to nutritionist Luiza Camargo, mindful eating involves enjoying every moment of your meal, whether it's breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. In this process, every detail is carefully analyzed, from choosing the ingredients to preparing them and finally eating them.

It’s about being truly present during meals and feeling what food can provide us, from nourishing our body, our senses, to our mind and heart,” he states in a post on his website Eu Sem Fronteiras .

Therefore, it is a concept that does not only involve the food eaten, but the experience of eating and the way the meal will affect us physically and psychologically.

Is mindful eating just another restrictive, miracle diet?

No, mindful eating is not just another one of those restrictive and crazy weight loss diets that we see on the internet and on the social media of famous influencers. Far from it!

In mindful eating, the goal is to eat healthily and without overdoing it. It is another opportunity to improve our relationship with food and to reconnect with our own bodies. It is nothing more than a form of self-care for your health, body and mind.

Main benefits of mindful eating

Eating together with observing the thoughts and emotions that arise while we eat, in addition to improving our relationship with the ingredients, reducing the effects of guilt and judgments, provides the following benefits.


Mindful eating, when practiced daily, allows us to make more conscious choices about the foods we eat and to show respect for our own bodies. After all, when we truly dedicate ourselves to our diet, we start to make better and more nutritious choices, and we avoid what used to be bad for our bodies.

It's a way of showing that you care about your health, your body and that you want to see it healthy.


Another great benefit of mindful eating is self-awareness. It means knowing how to distinguish physical hunger – our body’s physiological need to ingest energy – from the desire to eat. In the latter case, what prevails is the desire (often emotional) to consume certain foods without your body needing it.

But with mindful eating, distinguishing one from the other becomes an easier process, once you get to know yourself better.

Pleasure in eating

The automatic and robotic process of eating often makes you lose the pleasure of eating certain ingredients. However, by adopting mindful eating, over time, feelings of joy and satisfaction from eating are restored, which completely changes your relationship with food.

In addition to valuing food, you feel grateful and fulfilled by eating it.

Mindful eating in practice for a harmonious relationship with food

To maintain a more harmonious relationship with food and balance with the foods available, practicing mindful eating is one of the best techniques. As we have shown, you need to be aware of all your feelings and thought mechanisms during meals. The process is simple and, to help you, we have separated some tips.

Disconnect completely

It is important to honor the time set aside for meals. Therefore, while you eat, avoid any type of distraction. Television, cell phones, books and magazines are objects that take our attention away from any activity, and mealtime is no different.

We know that many people use this time to resolve work issues and respond to messages on their cell phones. However, try to do everything that needs to be done before sitting down at the table.

Eat slowly, without rushing

Even if you only have a short amount of time to eat, you should eat it slowly and mindfully. Don't eat quickly; chew your food thoroughly until you feel the essence and flavor of the food (doctors recommend chewing 30 to 50 times). This process helps with digestion and the feeling of fullness.

Observe emotions while eating

Food and emotions go hand in hand. We often eat in response to sadness, anxiety, stress, and other feelings.

However, mindful eating can help us understand the types of feelings that surround our relationship with food and whether we use it as an “escape valve” to deal with certain feelings. Therefore, notice the emotions that arise during a meal and try to identify the reasons for eating at that moment.

Enjoy every minute of your meal

Enjoying your meal is one of the most important steps in mindful eating. Focus all your senses when cooking and eating. Pay attention to the color, texture, aroma, sounds, and sensations of your food.

Also, when you sit down at the table, wait one to two minutes before you start eating. Take advantage of this time to interact with everyone sitting next to you. Silently express your gratitude for enjoying the food and for those who are with you at that moment.

Mindful eating with Bold protein bars: how to savor them in every bite

Now that you know what mindful eating and paying full attention to eating are all about, what do you think about putting it into practice with Bold bars?

It's a great way to start this new process and understand even more about mindful eating. Check it out!

1) Find a comfortable position to eat and take three deep breaths. Prepare to use all your senses.

2) Open the package of your favorite Bold bar slowly. Try to pay attention to all the details: the noise the package makes, the color, shape and texture of the bar.

3) Bring it to your nose and take a few deep breaths. Notice what feelings are awakened when you smell the ingredients in the protein bar.

4) Take a bite and try to think of the characteristics that describe the flavor. Does it remind you of any emotional memories? What feelings did it bring to you?

5) Chew the bar slowly and notice the sound of the shell breaking into small pieces. Also pay attention to the flavors and textures in your mouth.

6) Enjoy every bite and try to repeat this experience with other foods.

Did you see how eating mindfully is a simple and very pleasurable task? Try it with a Bold protein bar and apply the techniques to your next meals. We are sure that your relationship with food will be more harmonious, without judgments. Meals will be even more surreal with mindful eating. It is another way to show love and affection for yourself and your body.

Try it and tell us about your experience.

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