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Glycemic index of foods: is it really important?

If you're looking for a healthy diet, you've probably heard about the glycemic index of foods. But recent studies have shown that the way to assess it should be a little different. It's not negligible, but there are some caveats to what was previously thought.

In this article, we will simplify this concept and show you that eating healthily is much simpler than people say.

Let's go!

What is the glycemic index of foods?

The glycemic index (GI) is a method of classifying foods according to their effects on postprandial blood glucose levels. In simple terms, the GI measures a food's tendency to raise blood glucose levels shortly after eating it. These changes are especially important for diabetics.

And should people who don't have diabetes be concerned?

More or less. Foods with a high glycemic index tend not to keep us feeling full for long. Therefore, our appetite tends to increase in a short period of time. Since sweet and salty foods are more palatable, we generally feel great satisfaction when eating them.

In addition to satisfying hunger, we seek the well-being that these foods cause.

The error in evaluating glycemic index

If you read the topic above, you probably thought that knowing the glycemic index of foods is very important. However, Dr. Sophie Deram warned in a recent column in UOL that GIs are evaluated in isolation. In other words, white bread alone has a glycemic index, while the GI of bread with egg or cheese has a lower one.

Therefore, the way we eat also matters. We rarely consume food without some kind of accompaniment. Nutritionists even recommend eating certain foods with others precisely to improve the GI.

Another big problem is giving up what we like. As Dr. Sophie Deram says: “we can eat anything (but not everything)”. In other words, the secret is balance. The postdoctoral researcher in the field, just like us, is against nutritional terrorism and a life without flavor. In other words, we deserve a surreal life!

Most importantly, everything she says is based on scientific studies, some conducted by herself at renowned institutions, such as USP.

Studies on glycemic index

Unfortunately, the glycemic index of foods is considered important for weight loss and not for health. However, research shows that it is not that important for losing weight.

The study was published in the scientific journal Advances in Nutrition. Scientists conducted a review of 27 studies. 19 showed that people who restricted their diet to low-glycemic options did not lose weight. Only 8 showed significant changes in Body Mass Index (BMI). And this weight loss result was only observed in glucose-tolerant people.

Focusing on healthy foods is more important than the GI of foods

The glycemic index of foods is especially important for diabetics. Even so, as we have shown, the GI changes with the following foods. In other words, in addition to this metric, it is important to think about strategies with the guidance of a professional. This way, life will have more flavor and be truly healthy.

For those who do not have diabetes, the advice is to forget about nutritional terrorism and focus on simple rules. As Dr. Sophie recommends, it is more strategic to focus on healthy foods than to think about the glycemic index. Therefore, put natural foods on your plate and leave ultra-processed foods for the exceptions.

Another recommendation from the professional is to avoid restrictive diets. Eliminating certain foods from our diet can result in short-term weight loss, but 95% of people gain the same amount or more weight later on. Depriving the body also causes problems with metabolism and self-image.

Restriction also harms health, as few or no specific food groups are consumed. Thus, the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, which can cause several problems.

Glycemic index of fruits

A big problem with the confusion about how to assess the glycemic index and nutritional terrorism is the vilification of fruits. We are sure that for a long time you only heard good things about them. Recently, some people have been saying that fructose, the sugar in fruits, and their GI are bad, especially for those who want to lose weight.

Although the GI of some fruits is higher, everything we explained earlier in this article, and common sense, show that we should not stop eating them.

Fruits are natural foods. In addition, they are high in fiber, an important macronutrient for satiety, cholesterol control, reduced fat absorption and better intestinal health.

Is it really healthy to not eat fruit because of its natural sugar? Definitely not!

Of course, even they should be consumed in moderation, like any other food.

There are those who only eat fruit in the hope that it will improve their diet. But we know that a healthy person diversifies their meals. In other words, they eat foods that are sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, fats and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

Eating well is simpler than they say

Imagine not having to give up anything and finding the best food at your local supermarket? You don't have to imagine it, it can be your reality. Eating healthy means having a varied diet, with preference for less processed foods. You don't have to give up anything to have a healthy diet. You can sit down with your family and eat a chocolate cake.

Dr. Sophie argues that even processed foods can be consumed from time to time. Variety and balance are the keys.

Feeling good at the table and enjoying the flavor of food is also healthy and part of a surreal life. Eating is synonymous with more flavor, special moments and a lot of satisfaction in life. This is not a green light to eat any food, but an invitation to rethink your relationship with food.

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