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Lose weight by eating everything: understand how it is possible and much healthier

One of Bold's missions is to show you that you don't have to give up anything to have a healthy life. Everyday life becomes more surreal when we enjoy our favorite flavors.

We cannot forget that obesity is a public health problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is one of the greatest current and future challenges. The concern is justified due to the increased risk of developing serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Extra weight is also considered a comorbidity for several diseases. In other words, it aggravates several conditions that could be milder.

But how can you reach a healthy weight by eating everything, Mrs. Bold? You may ask yourself. We have the answer: it is possible, much better for your body and tastier, of course.

It is important to emphasize that losing weight by eating everything does not mean eating freely, without awareness, as we will show in this article.

Eat everything only on cheat day?

Have you ever stopped to think about how problematic the expression “trash day” is? Hunger is a serious problem in the world and no food can be considered trash. It is also important to understand that we can eat anything, even that stuffed cookie, brigadeiro or birthday cake, as long as we know how.

So, it is healthy to have a life full of flavors. What is harmful to the body is depriving yourself of your desires. Often, these foods nourish our feelings and are part of memorable moments of socialization.

According to nutrition expert Sophie Deram, our body is capable of dealing with exceptions. She also warns that it is not healthy to disregard the consequences of food, quantity and especially quality. The secret, as we always say, is balance.

Which diet allows you to eat everything?

The diet that comes closest to achieving the goal of losing weight by eating everything is the flexible diet. It considers the percentages of macronutrients that we should consume daily - carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber - to determine the limits. However, the most practical way to eat everything, be healthy and still lose weight is to not cut out nutrients and focus on the most natural options, consuming less ultra-processed options. It is true that they make our lives easier, but we need to pay attention to the information on the labels to choose the best foods for our health.

Thinking about a lifestyle rather than a diet also eliminates stress and anxiety about eating. It also tends to last longer than a specific diet and prevents you from engaging in compulsive eating behaviors.

Eat everything, but not everything

We can eat everything to live an incredible and healthy life. However, this does not mean that you should eat more food than your body, and even desire, asks for. “Eat everything, but not everything” is one of Dr. Sophie Deram’s guidelines. She explains that our body is wise. Therefore, we must understand the signals it gives us.

Hunger signals

Unless you have a health problem that requires you to eat every three hours, you don't need to follow this "rule." Gastroenterologists recommend that people with gastritis and reflex, for example, eat at shorter intervals, with smaller portions.

Pregnant women also eat this way to avoid nausea. However, without these indications, try to understand when you are truly hungry. Some people lose this perception because they have been on a diet with a schedule for a long time, but by observing your body more closely you will understand when it is necessary to eat.


Just as important as understanding when we are hungry is identifying when we are full. It is not healthy to eat an entire bar of chocolate when three squares would be enough to satisfy your craving. Eating slowly, enjoying all the sensations, helps you understand when to stop. Remember: the body is wise. One strategy worth trying is mindful eating, something that can be translated as eating with awareness. Cultivating good body awareness can also help.

And even if you try hard and can't stop, eating more than you should, seek help, you may have binge eating or another problem that triggers this type of behavior.

Food cravings

More than just satisfying hunger, food makes our lives more enjoyable. That's why craving specific foods is normal and healthy. Learn to listen to your desires and satisfy them in the right way. Craving something doesn't mean you should eat too much, just in moderation. Try to expand your palate and try different recipes with healthy ingredients, as well as delicious reinterpretations of traditional dishes.

Counting calories is a rip-off

Some diets claim that we can eat anything as long as the amount of calories does not exceed our daily requirement. There are many problems with this method. Although weight loss occurs with a calorie deficit, it does not mean health. It is possible to stay within the calorie limit by choosing less nutritious foods, for example. In addition to the nutritional risks, counting calories can cause other problems such as anxiety, stress and even obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Lose weight by eating everything

By restricting calories and eating less, the body feels threatened and uses up energy more slowly. Therefore, it is advisable to have a varied diet. A well-functioning body tends to have a better metabolism. Furthermore, by eating everything, the chances of compulsive behaviors decrease significantly.

Harms of excluding foods or nutrients

Each nutrient has a role in our body. Therefore, by excluding an entire group, we may lose weight initially, but at the same time, it may compromise our health. By eliminating fats, for example, we may disrupt our sexual hormones. Without carbohydrates, we will have no energy for our activities.

So, if your goal or need is to lose weight, the best thing to do is to lose weight by eating everything, but not everything. Learn to recognize your body's needs and only cut out certain substances if you have a medical condition. Otherwise, don't give up anything.

Remember that feeling beautiful is good for your self-esteem, but thinness does not mean beauty, much less health.

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