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Intuitive eating: what it is and how to use it to lose weight and have a healthy life

Have you tried several diets and even had some initial results, only to gain weight again? More and more experts are saying that giving up what we like and depriving ourselves has the opposite effect.

Therefore, eating well and observing your body's hunger and satiety signals is more efficient. Intuitive eating has this as one of its pillars. It is not a fad, but a process that has been studied since the 90s with better results than food restriction, as we will show in this article.

What is intuitive eating?

Intuitive eating, as the name suggests, is based on intuition when it comes to eating. It moves away from the idea of ​​a prescribed diet and deprivation. It is based mainly on self-knowledge.

According to Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, nutritionists who created the concept, the body is wise and unique. Therefore, individuals should use their own body as a compass, as the body tells them what it needs. By observing themselves, everyone knows what they need.

Pillars of intuitive eating

The concept is simple, but following your intuition when it comes to eating can become complex in practice. Therefore, understanding the pillars of this approach helps you introduce this way of eating into your daily life.

Nothing is forbidden: unconditional permission to eat

There are no good guys or bad guys in intuitive eating. Everything is allowed as long as it doesn’t harm you. As we showed in the concept, it’s our body that tells us what’s good for us. Understanding that nothing is forbidden prevents compulsive behaviors. As our grandmothers used to say, “Everything that’s forbidden tastes better.” This explains a lot about why our desire increases when we’re told we can’t eat something.

Without restriction, we satisfy our desires and tend to eat much less than if the food were forbidden.

Be guided by physiological hunger

Often, we don’t feel hungry, but rather the desire to eat, which is called emotional hunger. In other words, a “desire” motivated by emotions. It’s true that food is part of celebrations and we like to eat something to remember our childhood or at specific moments. But food shouldn’t be the main way we deal with our feelings.

In addition to differentiating emotional hunger from physiological hunger, it is important to leave meals for when we feel hunger signals. Therefore, in intuitive eating, there is no rule of eating every three hours, but rather when the body gives signals that it is time to eat.

Understanding signs of satiety and hunger

It is more difficult for those who have been following restrictive diets for a while, but it is possible to start listening to your body again to have a better relationship with food. The first step is to break away from pre-determined meal times. You should also pay attention to snacking and water intake. Often, tiredness and even what seems like hunger can be a sign of mild dehydration.

Also, pay attention to your stomach growling and the feeling of satisfaction. It may be difficult at first, but then you will start to understand your body again.

10 principles of intuitive eating

The creators of the intuitive eating method described 10 principles in the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works. The authors claim that by following them we can build a much healthier relationship with food, transform eating well into a lifestyle and understand how to respect our own nature for a surreal life.

1. Reject the diet mentality

The idea is to forget about external rules and understand the norms that govern your own body. Each body is unique, with its own guidelines. Therefore, your body is the only one that should be listened to when it comes to eating well and losing weight. According to nutrition doctor Sophie Deram, over time the body reaches a healthy weight in a healthier way and without sacrifices, because we nourish it with what it needs and not with what others try to impose on it.

2. Honor your hunger

Many people believe that there is only one way to lose weight: starvation. But starvation is a sign that we need nutrients and energy. Therefore, it should be respected. Along with eating according to physiological hunger, we must understand the signs of hunger and satiety. This way, we will not overeat or undereat.

3. Make peace with food

Forget the idea that there are good and bad foods, and especially that there are those that are capable of miracles. It is true that some substances should be consumed with great caution, such as trans fat and sugar. However, the body is capable of dealing with them, in small quantities.

Eating is a human need. And, let's face it, it's delicious.

"We have a relationship with food since we are in our mother's womb and this will last until our death. Therefore, if there are problems with food, they must be solved, because we must not forget the multiple roles that food plays in our lives. Guilt only brings suffering and feeds the cycle of binge eating", highlighted Vera Salvo to UOL , clinical nutritionist and post-doctorate in Mindful Eating from Unifesp (Federal University of São Paulo).

4. Challenge the food police

“I shouldn’t have eaten that candy.”

“Wow, do you eat ice cream?”

These are typical phrases used by the food police, meal inspectors. Often, we are the ones who judge ourselves for eating things that are not considered good by nutritional terrorists. So, pay close attention to what you think and how you react to what people say about what you eat. Breaking out of your routine and allowing yourself to indulge is perfectly healthy and enjoyable, right? It helps to maintain a sustainable relationship with a good lifestyle.

5. Feel the satiety

Have you ever eaten because you were bored or compulsively? When you listen to your satiety, these behaviors tend to decrease. Calmness and attention at the table are allies in this journey. Using mindful eating, as we showed in another article, also makes a huge difference. Have you tried it?

6. Find the satisfaction factor

We always say that eating healthy can be very tasty, and BOLD bars prove it. Try different recipes and ingredients that you haven't tried before. Or even try them in a different way. Finding pleasure in food is essential for a healthy relationship with food.

7. Deal with emotions without using food

Let he who has never sought comfort in food cast the first stone. It is normal, but it should not be frequent. We tend to turn to the most palatable foods in moments of distress. Try walking, writing, calling a friend, playing with your pet and other activities to alleviate negative feelings.

8. Respect your body

Just as you need to forget about external eating patterns, you need to forget about body aesthetic patterns. It's okay to want to have a different physical shape than your current one, but not because of pressure or because of the dictatorship of beauty. Remember that every body deserves respect and that changes require time, as well as consistency and healthy choices.

9. Practice physical exercises

Moving shouldn’t be a punishment, but a way to have more pleasure and health. Find an exercise you enjoy and celebrate life!

10. Honor your health

Many people destroy their mental health in search of a body that they consider beautiful. Remember that your mind is just as important as your body. Work on both at the same time and never forget that a healthy weight is different from being thin or fat.

So, how about starting to eat intuitively? Follow the tips in this article and have a healthier relationship with food.

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