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Chocolate, the eighth wonder of the world, is it good or bad for your health?

Dark or milk chocolate, in bars or truffle form, plain or with filling. It's hard to find someone who doesn't like chocolate in its many variations. Loved by people all over the world and of all ages, the ingredient is used in a variety of preparations, both sweet and savory.

In Brazil, chocolate is loved by the vast majority. According to a survey conducted by the Kantar Institute in partnership with the Brazilian Association of the Chocolate, Peanut and Candy Industry (Abicab), the ingredient is on the shopping list of 82.6% of Brazilian households.

However, despite all the acclaim, there is a big question that raises many doubts among chocoholics: after all, is chocolate the villain or the hero? Is it good or bad for your health? In this article, we will show you that, if consumed in moderation, this delicacy can prevent diseases and even make you happier (I believe you already suspect this).

Stay with us until the end and find out the benefits and disadvantages that this wonder can provide you.

How much chocolate can I eat per day?

“The difference between medicine and poison is the dose.” You’ve probably heard this saying before, and it applies to everything in life. Here, we’ve already shown that moderation and balance are the key to success for a healthier life, and it’s no different with chocolate.

Nutritionists and nutrologists say that to obtain its benefits, the ideal is to eat between 30 and 40 g of the sweet per day, the equivalent of a small bar or four squares.

But, in addition to the quantity, they also warn about the percentage of cocoa present in it. The recommendation is that it has at least 70%. The more cocoa, the less sugar and fat the chocolate will have and, therefore, the healthier it will be.

The more cocoa, the more health

You know those milk or white chocolates that we see in the supermarket? Some with sweets, others with nuts, candied fruits and other treats? Although they are attractive and delicious, they are not the best choice. This is because their formulation usually has a higher amount of fat, sugar and a low concentration of cocoa.

Cocoa is the ingredient responsible for the benefits that the sweet treat provides. It has a good concentration of flavonoids and antioxidants that help combat the action of free radicals in the body. Therefore, the higher the percentage, the closer the chocolate will be to the original flavor of the fruit and the more nutritious it will be.

The classic options we are familiar with, especially white and milk chocolate, however, tend to have a lower amount of cocoa. The semisweet and bittersweet versions have higher concentrations.

  • White: according to experts, the white version of the sweet is not considered “chocolate”. Made only with cocoa butter, it is fattier and has large amounts of sugar and milk.
  • Milk chocolate: the traditional chocolate option is also not the healthiest. It is made up of milk, sugar, fat and has only 36 to 46% cocoa in its formulation.
  • Semi-sweet: produced with a greater quantity of cocoa (normally more than 50%), it has little sugar in its composition and, therefore, the fruit flavor is more pronounced.
  • Bitter: also known as “dark”, it contains a higher concentration of cocoa, between 60% and 85%. In addition, it has little (or no) addition of milk and has low sugar content. The bitter taste is due to the large amount of cocoa mass in its formulation.

Harmful effects of chocolate if consumed in excess

We are hardly ever satisfied with just one piece of chocolate when we have a variety of flavors waiting for us, right? However, those who choose to consume large quantities of chocolate daily and with high levels of sugar and fat are more exposed to health problems.

Weight gain

Because it has a high caloric value, especially in the milk and white versions, if consumed frequently and in large quantities it can contribute to weight gain. Experts say that, in some cases, the risk of gaining weight is between two and four kilos in a week, but it all depends on each person's metabolism.

In more extreme situations, more serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and others can also arise.


Another harmful effect of chocolate is the dreaded insomnia, especially if consumed at night. In addition to sugar, which is responsible for generating extra energy and preventing relaxation, there is also caffeine in quantities that vary according to the type. Milk chocolate, weighing 450 g, tends to contain 9 milligrams of caffeine. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, contains 30 milligrams, the equivalent of a cup of instant tea.

Studies conducted by the National Sleep Foundation show that the caffeine in sweets can remain in the body for an average of three to four hours. If consumed at night, the chances of compromising sleep are greater.

Digestive problems

The excess sugar and fat in chocolate can also cause digestive problems. Research conducted in 2005 indicates that chocolate is not the best option for those with irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation. In addition, nutritionists warn of the following disorders: nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis and food poisoning.

Benefits of chocolate so you can eat it happily (and in moderation)

But don't worry, if you're a self-confessed chocoholic, there's no need to despair. The opposite effect of chocolate only happens when we overdo it and opt for less healthy options. However, options rich in cocoa bring many health benefits.

Prevention of heart disease

While milk and white coffee are rich in fats and sugars, dark coffee has high concentrations of antioxidants, which protect the heart and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The source is flavonoids, a substance found in cocoa that lowers blood pressure and acts as a cardiovascular protector.

A study published in the scientific journal of the American Heart Society showed that women who eat dark chocolate up to twice a week reduce their risk of heart disease by up to 33%. On the other hand, those who consume up to three servings have a reduction of only 26%.

Increases the feeling of well-being

The dark version of chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa) releases the famous and beloved happiness hormones: endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Together, they are responsible for causing a feeling of well-being, instant happiness and reducing the sensation of pain.

Fighting free radicals

The flavonoids present in cocoa have great antioxidant power that helps in several processes in the body. The substance fights free radicals – the villains of cellular aging –, reduces the inflammatory process in the walls of blood vessels and helps control cholesterol.

In addition to flavonoids, chocolate contains several micronutrients, such as zinc, calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are essential for the functioning of the body.

Tips for choosing the best chocolate

As we said, not all versions of the sweet treat are good for our health. Some have high levels of fat and sugar and little nutritional value. Therefore, to get the most out of their benefits, you need to choose options with a higher cocoa content. Here are some tips:

  • Always look at the list of ingredients and choose those that have cocoa or pasta first on the list;
  • On the other hand, avoid those that contain sugar as the first ingredient. This means that there are higher concentrations of it in the chocolate;
  • Choose those that contain the fewest ingredients possible;
  • Avoid chocolates that are fractionated or contain hydrogenated vegetable fat.

After all, is chocolate good or bad for your health?

Both, actually. It all depends on how much you eat and the version you choose.

Therefore, to enjoy the benefits of chocolate, choose formulations that contain more than 70% cocoa and try to consume between 30 and 40 g of chocolate per day. Nothing in excess is good for you, even the healthiest options, with high concentrations of the fruit.

When it comes to health and nutrition, there are no good guys or bad guys. Everything can be consumed as long as it is in moderation. Remember this. 😉

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