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Organic foods: learn about the real benefits and caveats

Brazil has been the world's largest consumer of pesticides since 2008. An alternative for those who do not want to consume GMOs and chemical additives used in agriculture is organic food. The health benefits are widely publicized. They also bring benefits to the environment. However, there are some points that are rarely discussed about organic food, as we will show.

Come with us, correct information is the first step to having a surreal life!

What are organic foods?

Organic foods are those free from synthetic pesticides, GMOs or chemical fertilizers. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply provides the following definition:

“Organic foods are those obtained from an organic agricultural production system or from a sustainable extractive process that does not harm the local ecosystem.”

In addition to benefiting consumer health, they are also good for the environment and workers. They can be found at markets and in some supermarkets. You can also look for organic food at your grandfather's farm or grow a vegetable garden at home. How about that?

Types of organic foods

Anyone who thinks that organic foods are limited to fruits, vegetables or greens is mistaken. Even alcoholic beverages can be produced organically. To do so, they simply need to be free of any chemical additives, as we mentioned earlier.

Organic food seal

Organic production is closely related to cultivation on small properties, in simpler places. However, as we have shown, even alcoholic beverages can be organic. To make it easier to understand, any food can be made without the use of pesticides, pesticides and others. Big brands have sections for this type of food.

If you want to consume organic products, there is a very interesting indicator from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa). Only family producers are exempt from the seal. Even so, they must be linked to some control organization, which, in turn, must be certified.

Furthermore, to be considered organic, a food must go through the Mapa certification process.


The biggest advantage when choosing organic products is health. After all, a diet with fewer chemical additives is much more beneficial. In 2021, Brazil broke a record for the release of pesticides; as of December 2, 500 new products had been authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture. Studies on the harm they can cause to human health have revealed some worrying data.

Glyphosate, for example, the most widely used in the country, is responsible for 503 infant deaths per year. The conclusion is in the study "Down the River: Glyphosate Use in Agriculture and Birth Outcomes of Surrounding Populations".

Food safety

In addition to the health risks, according to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), 28% of foods contain unauthorized substances or in quantities greater than permitted. In addition, we are the country with one of the highest rates of use of pesticides and other substances in agriculture.

Consuming organic products increases the chances of eating quality food, as there is a greater concern regarding the method of production and how it impacts our health.


The resources used in agriculture impact the soil, water and air, as well as the health of farm workers. Organic products are grown in a sustainable way for everyone involved in the process: from the employee to the environment and the consumer.

So, more than just your health, by prioritizing organic products you support a production chain in which nature and those who live off the land are more valued and preserved. Remember that sustainability considers the balance between nature, human beings and the economy. In the production of organic foods, each of these points is considered.

Worker health

Contact with chemicals used in traditional food cultivation is harmful to workers. Workers inhale and come into contact with pesticides through their skin, which can cause short-, medium- and long-term harm. Organic farming methods are more health-friendly for workers, as the techniques do not involve the use of chemicals.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), pesticides are responsible for 70,000 deaths from acute and chronic poisoning each year in developing countries. Other chronic diseases are also attributed to work in traditional farming areas.

The employee's journey on an organic farm also tends to be more respectful and humanized.

Consumer health

This is the best-known advantage of consuming organic products. A diet free of pesticides, GMOs or chemical fertilizers is better for our bodies. The body is capable of handling some chemical components, but the ideal is to reduce them as much as possible. Some harmful effects are already known. According to Avisa, the list of harmful effects includes:

  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Oblivion,
  • Abortion,
  • Impotence,
  • Depression,
  • Severe respiratory problems,
  • Changes in liver and kidney function,
  • Abnormality in the production of thyroid, ovarian and prostate hormones,
  • Inability to bear children,
  • Malformation and problems in the intellectual and physical development of children.

Do pesticides cause cancer?

The subject is controversial. The National Cancer Institute (INCA) states on its website that there are studies indicating the consumption of foods with pesticides as a risk factor for cancer. However, there are doubts due to genetic influences, harmful behaviors and others.

Help, should I only eat organic?

Ideally, you should give preference to foods that are free of pesticides and GMOs. But don't expect yourself to have a 100% clean diet. Excessive concern with 100% safe foods is a characteristic of orthorexia , a disorder in which people only eat “healthy” foods. Exaggeration, even with what is good, is harmful to all of us.

According to Dr. Sophie Deram, some of the advantages of organic foods are still controversial, such as the fact that they have more nutrients. What she recommends is to choose organic products whenever possible, but not to stop eating fruits, vegetables and other products because you can't buy organic products, either because they are difficult to find or because your budget only allows for traditional foods. Research shows that they can cost up to 50% more, an investment that is worth it, but that is not always the reality for everyone.

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