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Vegetarian diet: followers seek to change the world through choices on their plate

Have you ever thought about reducing your meat consumption or stopping eating it altogether? You are part of 63% of Brazilians. They say they want to at least reduce the amount of ingredients of animal origin, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), carried out in 2018.

A survey conducted this year (2021) by Ipec also showed that 32% of people give vegan dishes a chance when the establishment shows that it has the option. Whether out of curiosity or because they believe that vegetarian food is a way to fight for a better world, it is a trend.

14% of Brazilians declared themselves to be vegetarian or vegan in 2018, a number 40% higher than the previous IBGE survey.

Our motivation for bringing up this topic is the doubts about the subject. Vegetarian eating can be uncomplicated and surreal, as we will show you.

Why don't people eat meat?

In short, vegetarians believe that what we eat is a way of fighting for a fairer world. Therefore, sustainability, animal welfare and health are the main reasons for having a plant-based diet.

Understanding the argument about animal abuse and health is quite simple. However, many people may wonder what being an omnivore has to do with protecting the environment.

According to the Meatless Monday movement, just one day without meat has the following impact per person.

  • 24 square meters of land preserved.
  • 8 kilos of grains less than the consumed grade.
  • 11 kilos of CO₂ less in the atmosphere.
  • 60 liters of water saved.

Are you shocked? Here's what happens. Meat requires much more space than vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to deforest to create pastures. Water consumption is also much higher, as is grain consumption, which is the staple food of cattle, pigs, fish and other animals.

According to the Brazilian Vegetarian Society, 83% of the planet's arable land is used for meat production, but it only provides 18% of the calories consumed worldwide. This figure is from 2019.

Is vegetarian healthier?

Not necessarily. Not eating meat or any food of animal origin does not mean better or worse health. For a person to be healthy, they need to have a balanced diet, an active life, good mental health, among other things.

There are also some inherited diseases. So, it is possible to even improve gene expression, a topic for another article, however, some illnesses are inevitable.

Remember that vegetarians only do not eat meat. Strict vegetarians also eliminate all ingredients of animal origin. However, they can also eat highly processed foods, such as potato chips. Being vegetarian does not guarantee a plant-based diet, much less a balanced one.

However, if you want to become a vegetarian, try to eat well and, preferably, seek professional guidance to carry out tests. In fact, a check-up on the main health indicators should be on everyone's list, right?

Yes, there are studies on the health benefits of not eating meat, as well as those that say it is harmful to go without it.

The consensus among professionals is that the healthiest person is one who eats a balanced diet, with or without meat.

So, what will define whether you become a vegetarian or not are your beliefs.

Types of vegetarians

The vegetarian universe has several classifications. Some consider lacto-ovo vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism and pesco-vegetarianism to be transitional stages towards veganism. There is also a considerable number of people who study which type of vegetarianism is ideal for their lifestyle.

What they all have in common is the absence of meat.


This type of vegetarian excludes meat – red or white – from their diet. They still consume eggs, milk and dairy products. This is the most common type of vegetarian.


Lacto-vegetarians consume milk and dairy products, but do not eat eggs. This is widely adopted in India.


This vegetarian profile excludes meat, milk and dairy products from the diet, but consumes eggs.


As the name suggests, vegetarians in this category allow fish dishes. It is a transitional stage for many. It is still the diet that many people adapt to most easily, as it allows one type of meat.

Some people don't even classify pescovegetarians as vegetarians. However, there is a considerable decrease in meat consumption in this group. In other words, it also impacts sustainability and the way people eat.

Strict or full vegetarian

Meat, fish, milk, dairy products and eggs are off the table for strict or complete vegetarians. Wait, wouldn't that be vegan? No, there is a difference, as we will show below.

Differences between vegetarian and vegan

Vegans exclude any behavior or consumption that harms wildlife. Thus, in addition to not eating anything that comes from meat, milk, honey, or other sources, they do not go on trips that exploit animals. They also do not use products with wild ingredients and exclude brands that test on animals from their shopping list.

In other words, it is a lifestyle in which other aspects, besides diet, are analyzed in favor of the animal cause.

And what about the proteins?

The biggest concern for those who want to reduce or eliminate meat is the lack of protein. However, with good professional guidance you can meet the minimum amount of this macronutrient. It is important to remember that nutritionists, nutritionists or any other professional must analyze other nutrients as well. 

Tasty vegetarian food

Anyone who has tried a meatless dish knows that vegetarian recipes can be just as delicious, if not tastier, than traditional ones. Of course, it all depends on the preparation, just like any other type of food.

Regardless of your diet, it's worth trying dishes without meat and ingredients of animal origin to broaden your palate and discover new flavors.

Vegan protein bar

All Bold bars are vegetarian. But we have two options for strict or vegan diets: coconut candy and brownie. In addition to being very tasty, these bars have a high protein content. Therefore, they are excellent for helping with your daily protein intake, as well as other macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats and fiber.

You can start tasting vegan flavors with Bold. Check out our options and have them delivered to your home!

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