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Food can change genetic expression: what we put on our plate is the main factor in altering DNA

“Everyone at home has this problem, it runs in the family.” Have you ever said or heard a phrase like this? It’s true. But just as true as the power of genetics is the possibility of changing it in many cases.

Yes, we have the power to change part of our DNA. To be more precise, the genetic expression of some genes. This means that if you have a tendency to develop a disease, you can change the story with your habits, especially your eating habits.

"Having or not having a gene (favorable to a disease) is not a final sentence," says Dennys Cintra. "There are a series of other factors that will influence whether or not genes are expressed," he says. According to him, our body is capable of adapting on its own. "Biology is a master at turning mathematics around," he said in an interview with UOL.

The weight of genetics: less than you think

According to Stanford University, genetics account for 20% of a healthy old age. Our habits account for 50% of the equation for a surreal old age. In other words, when it comes to health, half of the responsibility is in our hands. According to doctor Frederico Porto, diet, among all habits, has the greatest impact on having a long life.

As a matter of interest, the other factors for a long life are:

  • 20%: location: living in a quieter area, without violence and degrading factors makes a difference in living longer.

  • 10%: medical technology, medicines and treatments. This does not necessarily mean that the person will live longer in health. To achieve this, we need to take good care of the other factors.


Diet is one of the most powerful modifiable factors for changes in gene expression. For this reason, there is already a segment of science called nutrigenetics. It studies the effect of the interaction of food with genes.

We talk a lot about macronutrients - carbohydrates, protein, fiber and fat - and micronutrients - vitamins and minerals - on the Bold blog. But there is another component of food, phytochemicals, that make a big difference. They are able to interact with genes and alter gene expression or activate beneficial ones.

Unlike macronutrients, phytochemicals are not essential, but they can make a difference in your health, for the better.

According to studies, 30% of cancer cases worldwide could be prevented by consuming phytochemicals. This data is cited by Renata Corrêa Baena in the article “Far beyond nutrients: the role of phytochemicals in whole foods”. She also mentions that a good percentage of cardiovascular problems could be prevented.

Renata emphasizes that cancer and cardiovascular problems are the biggest causes of death in the world. The good news, as we have already mentioned, is that we can change history in a significant part of the time.

Main phytochemicals

There are over 5,000 phytochemicals. However, the most studied are phenolic compounds and carotenoids. As the name suggests, phytochemicals are present in the plant kingdom; the suffix phyto means plant. So, like all good health guidelines, eat natural foods, “peel more, unwrap less.”

Phenolic compounds

They have antioxidant action and fight free radicals, which are responsible for cell aging. The benefits of this bioactive for us include reducing the chances of developing cardiovascular problems and even cancer.

They are present in vegetables, fruits, cereals, teas, coffee, cocoa, wine and soy.


Carotenoid bioactives are present in yellow, red or orange foods. They are important precursors of vitamin A, protect vision, reduce cardiovascular risks, cancer risk and cell aging.

Carrots, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and others of similar hues contain carotenoids.

Colorful plate: varied phytochemicals

Some phytochemicals are associated with colors. So, that old tip of making a colorful dish is very valid. According to studies, if we make a good salad plate, with vegetables, leaves and others, we ingest, on average, a thousand phytochemicals. So, invest in colors to have a more incredible life.

Making a colorful plate also guarantees a variety of micronutrients - vitamins and minerals, many of which are essential for the proper functioning of the body and not always produced by the body.

Influence of habits

How you live, your alcohol consumption, whether you smoke or not, whether you get a good night's sleep and whether you exercise regularly can all change your genetic expression. There is also a science that studies the influence of habits on genes, called epigenetics.

Genetic legacy for future generations

According to studies, in addition to changing our own history, by altering our genes we are able to leave a better legacy for our descendants. In other words, by taking care of yourself, you will not only be doing good for yourself, but for everyone in your family, even people you will never meet.

Surreal, isn't it? Now that's a long-term benefit.

Not everything is changeable: genetic inheritance vs. heredity

Unfortunately, we cannot change our entire genetic history. However, investing in good habits is still very important. Genetic diseases are caused by changes in genes, and only 10% are hereditary. Doctors say that most genetic changes are caused by bad habits.

Hereditary diseases are inherited from families and will manifest themselves at some point in life. However, having good habits helps you to get through health treatments better, for example. This way, it is never in vain.

So, in all cases, it is worth investing in a good diet and exercise routine, right? Remember to control stress, get good sleep, consume alcohol in moderation and quit smoking if you smoke.

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