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Food and sleep: how what you eat can hinder or help you get a good night's rest

Do you have the habit of eating a lot at night and then going to sleep right away? Or do you overindulge in caffeine, chocolate and fatty foods throughout the day? Habits like these are, in fact, not healthy and can affect several aspects of your health, including your sleep.

The truth is that there are several factors linked to the quality of a person's sleep. Daily stress and anxiety , for example, are some conditions that can directly affect our rest.

But what many people don't know is that food also has this power. There are certain foods that should be avoided at night precisely because they can disrupt what could be a good night's sleep. Likewise, there are specific ingredients that provide a relaxing and healthy sleep.

Want to know what they are? In this article, we will show you the foods that help you sleep better and those that hinder your rest. We will also explain why food and sleep go hand in hand. Stay tuned!

Why is sleeping well essential for health?

You’ve probably heard that one of the secrets to a healthy life is getting a good night’s sleep. But why, after all?

It is during this period of rest that the body carries out its main restorative functions. Tissue repair, muscle growth and recovery, and protein synthesis are among the processes that occur while we sleep.

It is also during this phase that we fix all the content (work and study) learned throughout the day. At this time, the brain organizes all the accumulated information, storing the information considered important and discarding the information that is not very relevant.

On the other hand, sleep deprivation can contribute to the emergence of some health problems:

  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Delay in growth and development of the body;
  • Decreased memory and learning;
  • Changes in glucose processing;
  • Risk of depression and anxiety.

What is the relationship between food and sleep?

Although many people don't know it, what we eat on a daily basis directly affects the quality of our sleep. In some cases, an unbalanced diet can even cause insomnia, a disorder that affects around 73 million Brazilians, according to the Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS).

The relationship between food and sleep occurs mainly due to the combination of certain substances present in our body. For example, tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of serotonin, is stimulated when we ingest ingredients rich in this amino acid. This neurotransmitter, in turn, causes a feeling of drowsiness and well-being.

However, there are still foods that contain substances that, instead of promoting a feeling of relaxation, cause the opposite effect of agitation, in addition to making digestion difficult. Therefore, the less healthy our food choices are, the more likely they are to result in a night of unrefreshing sleep.

Foods that can disrupt sleep

For a peaceful and restful sleep, some foods should be avoided at night as they are considered stimulants and take longer to digest.


Found in coffee , energy drinks, chocolate , soft drinks and many other foods and drinks, caffeine is known to be one of the ingredients that stimulate the central nervous system. In general, its effects on the body consist of increasing alertness and reducing the feeling of fatigue.

Therefore, when ingested, it blocks adenosine, a substance responsible for drowsiness and prevents the body from resting completely. Therefore, its consumption at night is not recommended.


Another substance that interferes with the quality of sleep is sugar. Sugary foods and drinks, such as soft drinks, artificial juices and sweets, raise blood glucose levels. Consequently, the amount of insulin released also increases, which can leave you in a state of alert because you have reached a blood sugar peak.


You know that story that says that drinking a glass of wine before bed can help you sleep peacefully? It's true, but there is some controversy.

Alcohol is indeed a substance that causes drowsiness, but the sleep it induces is actually completely superficial and not restorative. The kind in which, upon waking, the person feels tired, as if they had not slept at night.

Furthermore, 8 to 12 hours after consuming the drink, it is common for there to be a rebound effect, with symptoms of agitation, irritability and headaches.

Fatty foods

Foods with excess fat, such as fried foods, certain types of sauces and meats should also be avoided at night, as they slow down the digestion process. This is why we sometimes feel a “heavy” stomach sensation.

Acidic ingredients, such as tomato sauce, lemon juice and condiments, although not fatty, can irritate the lining of the esophagus and cause burning. Therefore, they are also on the list of foods that can influence a bad night's sleep.

Foods that promote healthy sleep

On the other hand, there are some ingredients that promote a healthier sleep. Therefore, they can be consumed at night, but without overdoing it. Balance is essential, remember?


Tryptophan is an amino acid that, together with the brain, acts in the synthesis and production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for causing a feeling of well-being and reducing anxiety.

The consumption of foods rich in tryptophan is also recommended as it promotes the production of melatonin in the body, known as the sleep hormone.

Therefore, choose to ingest ingredients that contain this amino acid before going to bed, such as:

  • Milk;
  • Oat;
  • Honey;
  • Banana;
  • Fish;
  • Chestnuts;
  • Chickpea;


Foods rich in magnesium also promote healthy sleep. This is because the mineral promotes increased synthesis of serotonin and GABA, neurotransmitters that help with relaxation and combat stress.

Foods with magnesium:

  • Bean.
  • Spinach.
  • Garlic.
  • Salmon.
  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts.
  • Avocado.

Omega 3 and vitamin D

Omega 3 and vitamin D are other substances that provide restful sleep. Like magnesium and tryptophan, they act in the production of serotonin, a hormone that efficiently regulates sleep and mood.

Foods rich in Omega 3 to be consumed at night:

  • Oil.
  • Linseed.
  • Salmon.
  • Sardine.
  • Chia.
  • Nuts.
  • Dark green leaves.
  • Shrimp.

Ingredients with vitamin D:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Liver steak;
  • Salmon;
  • Tuna;
  • Egg;
  • Beef;
  • Natural yogurt;
  • Whole milk.

Tips to improve sleep quality

As we have shown, the foods we eat at night, especially, can hinder or lead to a good night's sleep. However, there are other factors that also contribute to a restful rest at the end of the day.

  • Before going to bed, prepare your sleeping environment. Control the lighting, eliminate noise and regulate the temperature of your room;
  • Avoid using your cell phone, notebook or tablet;
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same times, including on weekends;
  • Reading a good book can quickly put you to sleep;

Ready to say goodbye to the sheep technique? Take note of these tips and sweet dreams!

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1 comment

27 Jul 2022 Robson José

Estou sofrendo com a má qualidade do meu sono. Vou seguir as orientações e espero superar essa fase difícil. Parabéns ao autor do texto pela clareza na exposição do conteúno e muito obrigado pelas dicas!

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