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7 habits that can save your health

Every day you get up, take a shower, brush your teeth, and do everyday tasks. But is everything you're doing healthy for your body?

Today, BOLD brings you a reflection. In fact, seven reflections on very common habits that can save most people's lives.

These are common rituals, but when followed they can become a source of health and well-being.

Let's look at each of them:

1 - Know how to preserve and care for food

We're sure that food is an important part of your routine. But leaving food aside, let's talk about how you treat these foods at home.

Preparing and taking care of food should be one of the pillars of your daily life.

Do not defrost and refreeze food, as this can cause the growth of bacteria that are harmful to your body. Do not defrost food outside the refrigerator and without any type of covering.

Make sure foods are 100% cooked before eating them, especially eggs, beef and pork.

Always look out for possible signs that food may show, such as stains, abnormal colors and strong odors.

If preparing food is a challenge, you can opt for ready-made healthy lunch boxes and you can always count on BOLD to help you out.

Finally, always pay close attention to food hygiene.


2 - Sleep well!

Don't take naps, take beauty sleep! And more than that, take care of your health through your sleep!

Sleep is the key to a more productive day , free from anxiety and stress caused by tiredness and exhaustion.

It is recommended to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night (yes, sleep at night!).

The quality of this sleep must also be observed!

Don't try to sleep while performing other tasks or in short periods of time.

Make a schedule, set up your resting space, get organized and go to bed with an empty mind and with the exclusive focus on resting.

You will have time and more energy for all tasks after this well-deserved rest!

3 - Let's train?

Exercising is a goal that everyone should have.

Doing an activity or practicing sports will help numerous areas of your life and this includes getting better quality sleep, which we already discussed in the previous topic.

Look for a sport or activity that satisfies you both physically and mentally, and even socially.

Sports and physical leisure activities will bring enormous benefits to your lifestyle.

4 - Don't eat little, eat well!

You may have heard someone say that the secret to a good diet is not what you eat, but how you eat, right?

That's right, food is not your enemy! You can and should enjoy it with all your heart, but also in a balanced way.

In fact, that is the key word: balance!

Going on very restrictive diets will be just as harmful as eating a bunch of junk food without stopping. Your body needs a lot of nutrients and these can be found in a wide variety of foods.

Consult a nutritionist and make sure you follow a diet that makes sense for your body and your life as a whole.


5 - Take care of your eyes!

This topic here is just a warning. Vision is one of the most important senses in our body, if not the most important.

Therefore, taking care of your main component is essential.

Avoid borrowing glasses and other accessories from friends and relatives.

Don't rub your eyes! We know that sometimes rubbing your eyes can be very pleasurable, but every time you do it there is a possibility of forming a micro-injury in your eyes.

6 - Live in the present!

It's normal for tomorrow to worry you, or for the past to still haunt you...

But it is important to monitor ourselves so that anxiety is not a constant factor in our lives.

Anxiety is directly related to weight gain and loss, development of physical and mental illnesses, emotional disorders and low productivity in the workplace.

7 - Cultivate silence!

Ahhh… silence. What a wonderful thing it is to be able to think, read or perform common tasks in total and complete silence.

But we know that this is not everyone's reality. Many people do not live alone or live in places with a lot of noise.

These noises, when present constantly, can become a cause of stress disorders and even deeper problems such as migraine attacks.

Bonus: Pay attention to yourself

Listen to your body, read the tips your body will give you every day.

Take care of it every moment you can. Create daily checklists that focus on maintaining your health .

In addition to all of this, also pay attention to common factors such as aligning your posture, taking care of your teeth, getting plenty of sun, eating all your meals (don't skip breakfast!), exercising and disconnecting from work and tasks during leisure and rest times.


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