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Carbohydrates: how to choose the best ones and eat them without fear

Por: Talita Camargos 17.09 | Sábado

For many years, carbohydrates were considered the biggest villains in healthy eating. Even today, some people believe that foods rich in this macronutrient should be cut out of the diet altogether. However, as we will show throughout the text, this is not the best choice.

Despite their not-so-positive reputation, carbohydrates are essential for the body to function. Therefore, removing them from your diet can have health consequences, as can adding them in large quantities. After all, the maxim that too much of anything is bad also applies to this nutrient.

It is common to associate carbohydrates only with bread, pasta, rice and flour, but the range of this macronutrient is much wider than we imagine. In the group of foods that contain it in their composition, there are some that are considered better for consumption and others that are not so good.

In this article, we’ll round up the carbohydrate-rich ingredients you should add (or keep) to your menu and show you how to choose the best ones. We’ll also give you some suggestions on which ones to eat at each meal.

Are you ready to see macronutrients as allies and not as villains in healthy eating? Then stay with us until the end.

What are carbohydrates and why are they important?

Many of the foods we consume daily have three organic molecules in their composition: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These elements are what characterize carbohydrates, a macronutrient essential for the functioning of the body.

Although many people associate them with something negative, they are the main source of energy for human beings. This energy allows our bodies to perform several basic functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, cell renewal and the strength to carry out daily tasks.

Carbohydrates are also responsible for stimulating movements in the gastrointestinal tract and contributing to the proper functioning of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

Because of all these functions performed in our body, this nutrient should not be cut from our diet, as many people do. Just like excessive consumption, a lack of it can cause several problems, such as:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Low disposition.
  • Malfunction of the intestine.
  • Mood swings and irritability.
  • Increased anxiety.

The ideal, then, is to eat in moderation to obtain only the benefits of carbohydrates.

Recommended amount of carbohydrates per day

Neither too much nor too little. Like other macronutrients, carbohydrates should be consumed in balance.

A study published in The Lancet Public Health in 2018 showed that people who choose a diet with too much or too little of them have a higher risk of dying early. According to researchers, the best way to ensure a longer life expectancy is to consume a moderate amount of the nutrient each day.

What is the ideal quantity, then?

Nutritionists recommend that carbohydrate consumption should vary between 50% and 60% of the necessary caloric value. Therefore, if you usually consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 1,000 to 1,200 need to come from carbohydrates. And no, don't think that reaching this percentage is difficult. There are several foods that contain carbohydrates in their composition, even if in smaller quantities.

It is only important to choose the best ones, which will provide you with enough energy to carry out your daily activities.

Types of carbohydrates

You've probably heard of good and bad carbs. Although this isn't the ideal term for these versions of this macronutrient, they are the best-known and are used to define (and differentiate) the food groups that release glucose into the bloodstream more quickly and more slowly.

To help you understand better, we show the definition of each of them below.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are characterized by a high glycemic index, which is why they are considered sweeter foods. When ingested, they are quickly absorbed by the body, a process that instantly releases energy into the body and increases glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Due to this rapid absorption, the person feels full for a shorter period of time and feels the need to ingest carbohydrates again.

However, don't think that because carbohydrates give you a shorter feeling of satiety, you should completely eliminate them from your diet. On the contrary, they can be consumed in moderation. Furthermore, if you add sources of fiber or protein, the absorption of foods containing this macronutrient is reduced.

There is a long list of foods that contain this macronutrient in its simple form. Among several, we can mention:

  • Candies and chocolates.
  • Honey, sugar and corn syrup.
  • Noodle.
  • Breads, biscuits and refined products.
  • Popcorn.
  • Watermelon, banana and pineapple.
  • Others.

Complex carbohydrates

Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are absorbed slowly by the body after being consumed, just like the absorption of glucose into the blood. For this reason, the feeling of fullness provided by foods in this group is greater, which increases the time spent looking for other food.

In general, this nutrient is made up of ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The list of complex carbohydrates includes:

  • Grains: beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas.
  • Wholemeal pasta.
  • Breads and pastas made with wholemeal flours.
  • Oat.
  • Tubers (cassava, sweet potato and yam).
  • Fruits: strawberry, lemon, banana, pear, papaya, peach.
  • Others.

Best sources of carbohydrates

As we have shown, daily carbohydrate consumption is essential. However, for those who follow (or want to follow) a healthier lifestyle, it is important to choose foods rich in this macronutrient carefully to enjoy the health benefits it provides. Here are some of them:

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron and, of course, carbohydrates. A medium-sized tuber with skin can contain up to 23 grams of the nutrient. Due to the presence of so many elements in its composition, it aids in muscle recovery and helps to restore the body's energy reserves.

Brown rice

When it comes to nutritional quality, brown rice beats white rice. In addition to fiber, vitamins, and minerals, it has a considerable amount of carbohydrates. One cup of cooked grains can have up to 36 grams of the macronutrient.


Also known as cassava and manioc, cassava is an excellent source of energy. When cooked, it contains 30 grams of carbohydrates, making it a great ally for those who practice physical activity regularly. In addition, studies indicate that moderate consumption of this food can help with aging, osteoporosis and cancer treatment.


Beans are another food with large amounts of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. One cup can have up to 21 grams of the nutrient. If consumed daily, they provide high doses of iron and potassium, minerals that are essential for the functioning of the body.


Regardless of the type: dwarf, silver, apple or gold, bananas are one of the fruits with the highest amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, they are great for providing energy and work very well as a pre-workout. They are also rich in fiber and potassium.

Tips on how to choose the best carbohydrates for each meal

Do you know which carbohydrates should be included in your diet, but are you unsure about how to add them in a healthy way? No problem, we can help you.

We give you some suggestions on how to choose and consume the best foods rich in micronutrients at each meal. Check them out and add them to your routine today.


The first meal of the day should be made up of foods that will provide energy and keep you feeling full until the next meal. In other words, ideally they should have higher amounts of fiber and carbohydrates.

A great suggestion is to opt for whole-grain breads and crackers. Now, if you don't usually consume this type of ingredient, tapioca is an excellent substitute, especially if consumed with a protein (cheese, for example).

Fruits are also a good choice, such as dragon fruit, papaya and strawberries. In addition to refreshing you, they help with hydration.


To maintain a balanced meal, avoid basing it solely on carbohydrates. Try to mix it with sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

So, one idea is to opt for brown rice, beans, meat (or another protein of your choice), vegetables and greens. If you choose pasta, choose wholegrain pasta, as it has more fiber and is more filling.


For an afternoon snack, you can opt for fruits. In addition to being practical, they are great sources of nutrients.

Depending on the species chosen, a tasty and nutritious idea is to add oat flakes, which are rich in fiber.

Post and pre-workout

Carbohydrates should also be present in pre- and post-workout snacks. Here, a great suggestion is to invest in a healthy and practical snack, such as protein bars.

The macronutrients in the food not only help you reach the minimum amounts of your daily consumption, but also give you more energy and the will to exercise. However, the ideal is for the bar to also have other nutrients in its composition (protein, fiber and fats), in a balanced way.

Bold bars offer everything you need to achieve your training goals. With a surreal flavor and highly nutritious, it is composed of:

  • 20 grams of protein.
  • 19 grams of carbohydrate.
  • 10 grams of fat.
  • 5 grams of fiber.

There is no doubt that it is one of (if not the best) post and pre-workout snack options, right?

To have lunch

For dinner, depending on your routine, carbohydrates may be optional, since it is a time when you use less energy. However, if you want to keep it, one tip is to opt for foods that have lower amounts of the macronutrient.

If you want to remove it from this meal, remember to talk to a professional to guide you in the best way.

See? Contrary to what many believe, carbohydrates are far from being the villain of a healthy diet. As we have shown, to obtain their benefits, you only need to consume the recommended amount per day and choose the most strategic ones.

For this, you can count on the help of the Bold bar whenever you are looking for a tasty, healthy and practical snack.

Visit the website and choose your favorite flavor!

Enjoy this delight and see you next tip.

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