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6 things to know before you start exercising

Por: Talita Camargos 14.09 | Quarta-feira

More energy to complete daily tasks, strengthening of the cardiovascular system, improvement of mental health, reduction of the risk of chronic diseases and help in controlling anxiety. If you have been following us for some time or follow a healthier lifestyle, you know that these are some of the benefits provided by regular physical activity.

Despite the advantages, we know that maintaining an exercise routine is not always easy. A lack of motivation, a busy day-to-day life and the false illusion that it is not possible to combine training with other tasks sometimes prevent us from starting to lead a more active life.

But, when we finally understand that moving our body is essential for health and we start training, we forget some details that can influence (a lot) the way we exercise and see this new habit.

If you are about to start a workout routine, stay with us until the end of this article and see what aspects are important for you to know before doing any physical activity. Stay tuned!

After all, what is the best physical activity?

If you’re planning to start exercising, this may be a question you have. But the truth is, there’s no right answer.

Choosing a physical activity is a very personal matter. What is good for you may not be good for someone else, so there is no way to say which is best. It all depends on your training goals, your health condition and your preference for the type of exercise. It is important to choose one that you enjoy doing.

Today, there are many options available on the market: dance, weight training, functional training, crossfit, aerobics (walking, running, swimming and cycling), yoga, pilates and many others. With such an extensive list, you are sure to find an activity that meets your needs and preferences.

Points you need to know before you start training

Once you have chosen the physical activity that you most identify with and enjoy, it is time to start, right? Not exactly. It is essential that you know and comply with some aspects before you even start training. Check out what they are and put them into practice today.

1. Consult a doctor before doing any exercise

The first thing to do before starting any physical activity is to see a doctor to assess your physical condition and provide guidance on the intensity of the exercises.

Through this consultation and the tests that the professional may request, it is possible to find out if you have any restrictions regarding the chosen activity and if you have any silent health problems that may manifest during training.

Doctors usually recommend six tests for a complete analysis. Ideally, this check-up should be done before you start exercising and repeated annually, regardless of your lifestyle. See the list of most recommended tests:

  • Fasting blood glucose.
  • Total cholesterol and fractions.
  • T3, T4 and TSH.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Echocardiogram.
  • Ergometric test.

2. Start small

It's normal that when you start exercising, you want to see results as quickly as possible. However, rushing into achieving your goals is a mistake that can have serious consequences, especially for those who have been sedentary for some time.

By starting out with everything, training every day for more than two hours, you expose yourself to the risk of injury and being unable to exercise for days, or in the worst case, months. The injury can also ruin your motivation to start a new habit. Think about it, if it's already difficult to get back to training after just a few days off, imagine after a longer period.

Therefore, it is important to respect your body and start slowly, with lighter workouts. As your body adapts to the exercises, you can increase the pace and intensity if you wish. Talk to your personal trainer and decide together what is best for you.

3. Exercising every day won’t give you faster results

This aspect is directly linked to the previous one. This is because, in the attempt to see quick results, you may end up overdoing it with regard to the frequency of your workouts.

Some people believe that exercising every day of the week will provide more benefits and help you achieve your goals faster. However, according to experts, training three times a week is enough to get results.

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed its recommendations for exercise among adults this year. Today, the recommendation is 300 minutes of moderate activity and 150 minutes of intense activity. According to the health agency, this time is enough for those who want to enjoy the benefits offered by a workout routine.

The problem occurs when you exceed this limit. Training from Monday to Monday for hours on end can cause intense muscle fatigue, increasing the risk of injury and decreasing your performance. Remember that your muscles need rest to recover from the effort of training and, therefore, achieve the expected results.

Therefore, choose to exercise on alternate days. This way, you give your body time to recover and gain strength for the following days.

4. Stretching is important, yes

For many, this topic may seem unnecessary. But the truth is that stretching before and after training provides many benefits to those who lead a more active lifestyle.

Before exercising, stretching helps prevent muscle injuries that can occur during exercise. It is a way to prepare the body for exercise, making it more flexible and expanding its range of motion. After exercise, its function is to relax the muscles and thus prevent pain after training.

This technique is also responsible for:

  • Activate blood circulation.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Relieve tension.
  • Improve body awareness and articulation skills.
  • Promote a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

People who have been exercising for a long time may forget to stretch on these occasions. However, the ideal is to make it a habit until you remember this step without any effort.

5. Taking muscle relaxants after training is not the best option

One topic that raises many questions among those who practice physical activities is regarding medications to relieve pain after training. You have probably heard a lot of speculation about the subject, but you don't have any concrete information.

After all, can muscle relaxants be taken in cases of pain after physical activity?

Doctors and specialists do not recommend the use of medication to treat muscle pain. This is because muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories can mask muscle discomfort and lead to injury. In other words, the pain will continue, you just stop noticing it.

When you no longer feel the sore muscle, you think you are ready to train again and even strain that area before it has fully recovered, which increases the risk of injury.

Knowing this information before you start exercising can help you avoid some health complications. So, always remember it and opt for more natural ways to alleviate pain, such as stretching or relaxing after training.

6. Having a balanced diet makes all the difference

Something we know is important, but forget or fail to follow over time is the relationship between diet and physical activity.

It is important to understand that neither a super restrictive diet nor long and exhausting workout routines provide better results on their own. If your goal is to have a strong, healthy body with lots of energy, the ideal is to combine these two aspects.

We should all follow a varied and balanced menu, with nutrients that meet our needs. However, those who exercise need to be more careful with their diet, as food helps with training performance and muscle recovery.

Therefore, to achieve good performance, your body needs to have the appropriate nutritional intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

We have already dedicated an article where we talked about the best foods to be consumed before and after training . In general, our suggestions were:


  • Tapioca.
  • Omelets.
  • Oatmeal with fruit.
  • Cheese and tuna sandwich.
  • Synthetic pre-workout supplements.
  • Bold protein bar.


  • Natural juices.
  • Egg or meat sandwich.
  • Banana and oat pancake.
  • Vitamins with whey protein.
  • Post-workout supplements.
  • Bold protein bar.

Our bars can be consumed pre or post-workout, as they contain all the essential macronutrients for the body: protein, carbohydrates, fiber and fats. In addition to having an incredible flavor, there are options for all tastes. See our options here.

We help you follow a healthier lifestyle

All the aspects we have presented throughout the text are essential for a safe and efficient practice of physical activities. Therefore, put them into practice before, during and after training and try not to forget them. Believe me, they make all the difference for those who want to follow a healthier lifestyle 😊

If you need help maintaining a healthy lifestyle, count on us. In addition to nutritious and tasty bars, we produce informative content that can give you that boost of motivation you need to get started or stay active.

Keep following us for more content like this.

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