We always hear about the importance of following a healthy lifestyle to live well and fully. But what does it mean to be healthy, after all?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is not just about the absence of diseases. It is also not related to a restricted diet or very intense training, as many believe. The concept is more associated with the physical, mental and social well-being of the individual. That is, being well with oneself and with others.
In recent years, hundreds of studies have shown the benefits of leading an active lifestyle, making good choices at the table, taking care of our sleep and managing stress. The combination of all these decisions we make on a daily basis shapes our lifestyle.
We can say that these are, in fact, the four pillars of a healthy life. In this article, we show you why we should put them into practice and how to include them in our routine, without extremes or neuroses. Follow along!
After all, what does it mean to have a healthy life?
When you think of a healthy lifestyle, what image comes to mind? A person with a sculpted body, who spends hours at the gym and eats only salads and healthy foods?
If this is your idea of health, you are very wrong. Being healthy is much more than not eating something you like just because it doesn't have the ingredients that are good for your health.
For us, it is more associated with the thoughts and attitudes that keep our body and mind in balance and ready. In practice, we are talking about eating well, taking care of our sleep, maintaining a physical exercise routine, having good relationships and overcoming stress.
We are not talking about exercising seven days a week, or avoiding sweets or other treats that we like so much. Being healthy is nothing more than adopting new habits and making good choices in your daily life, aiming for your health, well-being and happiness.
The pillars for a healthy life
As we have shown, having a healthy life does not mean following an isolated factor. It is, in fact, a set of attitudes and behaviors that improve our health and positively impact our well-being.
These are what we call the pillars of a healthy life, which you will learn about and how to practice in the next topics :)
1. Regular physical exercise
The first pillar of a healthy life could not be anything else. We always hear that keeping the body moving is essential for health, both physically and mentally.
Scientific research shows that physically active people have a lower risk of developing mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, than sedentary individuals. Furthermore, if performed frequently, physical exercise can provide several benefits:
- Strengthening muscles.
- Reduces the risks of hypertension and diabetes.
- Prevents cardiovascular and chronic diseases.
- Improves sleep quality (another pillar of a healthy life).
- Reduces excess weight.
- Prevents the development of some types of cancer (bladder, breast, lung and stomach).
- Others.
And no, don't think that to enjoy all these benefits you need to spend hours at the gym or do intense workouts every day. According to the WHO, adults (aged 18 to 64) should practice at least 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week, the equivalent of one hour of exercise over five days or 40 minutes a day.
For those who choose to do more intense training, 75 or 150 minutes per week is recommended.
Tips for exercising and leaving a sedentary lifestyle aside
Despite all the benefits offered by regular exercise, there are still many people who have not adopted this habit into their routine. This may be because they have not found a sport they enjoy doing, or due to a lack of time or motivation.
According to the WHO, a sedentary lifestyle is already considered one of the "ills of the century", ranking fourth on the list of the biggest risk factors in the world. We know that overcoming this condition is not always easy, so we have put together some tips that can help.
Do something you enjoy
Not everyone knows, but it is possible to associate physical activity with something fun and enjoyable. To do this, you need to find something that you like the most and that gives you pleasure.
If you don't like weight training, for example, you can try aerobic training, such as running, cycling and swimming. There are many possibilities, but if you still don't identify with any activity, remember what you liked to do when you were little. This may be your favorite activity.
Make exercise a priority and get organized
If exercising isn’t on your weekly to-do list, it’s because it’s not a priority in your life. So, set aside some time in your day to dedicate exclusively to working out. Organize your routine so that you can set aside this time to take care of your health.
Respect your body's limits
Any change in habit needs to be done gradually, respecting your needs and your body's limits. Don't start with intense workouts every day of the week. Go little by little, as far as you and your body can handle.
2. Quality sleep
Just as important as maintaining a regular exercise routine is getting restful, quality sleep.
Despite all its complexity, the human body is not a machine and therefore needs to replenish its energy through food and sleep. Studies indicate that, while we sleep, in addition to resting, our body works to maintain the balance of the immune, endocrine, neurological systems and many other functions, such as:
- Reduce stress.
- Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
- Improves mood and sociability.
- Increases concentration levels.
- Consolidates memory.
- Prevents the emergence of mental disorders.
- Others.
How to sleep well
We always hear that the ideal is to sleep, on average, eight hours a day so that the body can rest completely. However, we know that not everyone is able to get a restful sleep.
Fortunately, adopting some habits during the day and before bed can help a lot in this regard. See how you can make the most of your sleep hours with a few simple tips.
- Avoid stimulating foods before bed.
- Keep a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
- Try to end your day a few hours before bed.
- Create an environment conducive to sleep.
- Avoid thinking about everyday problems and worries when you are in bed.
3. Stress management
Another essential pillar for maintaining good health is controlling stress. According to the WHO, stress is an epidemic that affects 90% of the world's population. It is a spontaneous response of our body when we are subjected to dangerous or threatening situations, causing physical and emotional changes.
Stress is a natural and necessary process for adapting to new everyday events, but to a greater extent, it can cause damage that can affect the entire functioning of our body. Hypertension, chest pain, tachycardia and insomnia are just some of the problems it causes.
We know that this tension can be caused by excessive pressure at work, loss of a family member, breakups, worries about college work and many other reasons. However, today, there are relaxation techniques that have been proven to be effective in reducing tension levels and preventing them from developing into a more serious condition.
So, when you go through a stressful situation, try to breathe in and out slowly, and relax your muscles. Talking to people you trust about your problems and fears, not being too demanding with yourself, exercising and having moments of pleasure can also help you control tension.
4. Healthy eating
Last but not least, healthy eating. We can say that this pillar is the foundation of all the others. After all, without a balanced and nutritious diet, you will have a hard time getting a good night's sleep and managing stressful situations. Even exercising becomes more difficult without the right food intake.
A healthy diet does not mean following a super restrictive menu or consuming only healthy foods, such as salads, fruits and foods with little flavor.
Eating well means eating everything, but with balance and lots of pleasure. A truly healthy diet should have everything your body needs to function properly: protein, fiber, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. So, ideally you should:
- Create colorful dishes with vegetables, legumes and proteins.
- Eat fruits, vegetables and greens in your daily life.
- Consume less processed and processed foods.
- Reduce your salt and sugar intake.
- Drink plenty of water every day.
Have you noticed how the pillars of a healthy life go hand in hand? Each one is capable of providing us with different benefits and, together, they offer us a better and longer life.
So, be sure to incorporate them into your routine and share them with your friends and family. This way, you will also encourage them to adopt healthy habits.